Policies and Procedures
Future professionals who are not accepted to the school are entitled to a refund of all monies paid. Future professionals who cancel their enrollment agreement by notifying the school within three (3) days are entitled to a full refund of tuition excluding fees paid. In the case of future professionals withdrawing after the commencement of classes, the school will retain the cancellation charge plus a percentage of tuition and fees, which is based on the percentage of total days enrolled divided by the total number of days in the program, as described in the following table. The refund is based on the last date of enrollment.
• Future professionals are entitled to, upon withdrawal or termination, a refund of:
– Within first 10% of program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90%
(Less cancellation charge & Registration Fees)
– After 10% but within first 25% of program . . . . . . . . . 75%
(Less cancellation charge & Registration Fees)
– After 25% but within the first 50% of program . . . . . . . 50%
(Less cancellation charge & Registration Fees)
– After 50% of program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0%
1. The future professional may cancel this contract at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after signing this contract.
2. All refunds will be made within thirty (30) days from the date of termination. The official date of termination or withdrawal of a future professional shall be determined in the following manner:
– The date on which the school receives notice of the future professional’s intention to discontinue the training program OR
– The date, on which the future professional violates, published school policy, which provides for termination.
– Should a future professional fail to return from an excused leave of absence, the effective date of termination is either; (a) the date the school determines the future professional is not returning or; (b) the day following the expected return date, whichever is earlier.
3. The future professional will receive a full refund of tuition and fees paid if the school discontinues a course or program within a period of time a future professional could have reasonable completed it. This provision shall not apply in the event the school ceases operation.
4. Complaints, which cannot be resolved by direct negotiation between the future professional and the school, may be filed online with TDLR.
– The policy for granting credit for previous training shall not impact the refund policy.
• Whether at the request of the school or the future professional, postponing your start date requires a written agreement signed by the future professional and the school.
Cancellation and Refund Policies
• All future professionals who withdraw or are terminated from their program may reapply for admission, unless termination was due to a major violation. A re-registration fee of $100.00 is charged and a letter of commitment must be submitted for re-admittance.
Safety and Security
• All future professionals are encouraged to take an active role in maintaining a safe environment. To avoid accidents and injuries, future professionals are required to take preventative measures by:
– Using equipment properly;
– Following manufacturer’s directions when using chemicals and products;
– Immediately wiping spills found on the floor;
– Assisting elderly and disabled guest;
– Keeping all aisles and areas around work stations free from personal items and debris; and
– Immediately reporting building and equipment safety hazards to administration personnel.
• For all minor or serious accidents, security personnel must be called to the scene to gather the following information and submit a written report to the school’s administration:
– Name, address, phone number of the injured person;
– Name of future professional(s) and Educator working on the guest (if applicable);
– Date and time of accident;
– Description of how the accident happened; and
– Name, address, phone number of other witnesses to the accident.
• It is the goal of Graham’s Barber College to provide and maintain a safe and nonviolent academic and working environment. In an effort to consistently reach this goal, we have established the following procedures in the event that a future professional witnesses or becomes involved in an occurrence.
• Notify your Educator immediately, in case of a medical emergency such as:
– Serious fall
– Heart attack
– Unconsciousness
– Chemical product; (spills in the eye or swallowing)
– Violent acts, assault or rape
• The staff must provide the following information:
– Nature of medical problem
– Address of the building
– Location of the person in the building
– Notify the administration personnel of the location and the nature of the accident
– Stay with the injured person
– Have someone meet the emergency personnel
– Keep the area clear of bystanders
• All accidents must be reported to the Director. The team leader or personnel will attend to the injured guest or future professional and determine if professional medical attention is required. If there is any doubt, we recommend the injured person see a doctor.
• In case of a bomb threat at Graham’s Barber College:
– Immediately contact the Police or Administrative Personnel;
– Evacuate the building when directed by the Police or Administrative Personnel; and
– Remember in all situations to remain calm.
• From time to time, fire drills will be conducted to prepare for an emergency. Everyone must follow normal procedures in evacuating the building. Only security personnel will give clearance to re-enter the building upon completion.
• Graham’s has an alarm monitored system that is directed to the Dallas Fire Department. Whenever a fire is detected, a continuous siren will sound. In all cases when the fire alarm sounds, future professionals and staff must:
– Instruct all guests to evacuate the building;
– Assist the guests who need help evacuating;
– Request assistance for disabled guests to evacuate down the stairs; (if applicable)
– Evacuate the building immediately
– Re-enter the building only when the Fire Department or security has given clearance.
• On each floor of the building there is a floor plan posted. Each plan will show a direct escape route. Please familiarize yourself with the escape routes in designated future professional areas.
• Whenever there is a danger of tornado touchdown, the tornado warning sirens for the Dallas downtown area will sound. Based on weather-service information the building management will make a decision on when to evacuate team members, future professional’s, and guests to the lower level of the building.
• Graham’s provides building security for future professionals who may need assistance in case of an emergency. Please contact your educator for information on how to contact security. When calling 911. Emergency personnel from the City of Dallas will automatically be dispatched. The staff member must ask emergency personnel which hospital the injured person will be taken to when they arrive. Future professionals must assist in documenting the incident and forwarding the paperwork to the administrative offices.
Drug Free School and Work Place Policy
This institution embraces the spirit of the public law that requires schools to provide a drug-free campus and work place. The school will abide by the law as outlined in the accompanying policy. As part of our institutional philosophy, we are dedicated to the advancement and well being of the population we serve. As such, all future professionals and team members are encouraged to abstain from the use of illegal drugs and irresponsible use of alcohol. Recent federal anti-drug laws could affect a number of areas in the lives of our future professionals and team members. Future professionals could lose eligibility for financial aid, or be denied other federal benefits such as social security, retirement, welfare, health, disability and veterans benefits. The Department of Housing and Urban Development, which provides funds to states and communities for public housing, now has the authority to evict resident members of their household who are involved in drug-related crimes on or near the public housing premises. Businesses could lose federal contracts if the company does promote a drug-free environment. Finally, a record of a felony conviction in a drug-related crime may prevent a person from entering certain careers. Drugs and alcohol can be highly addictive to the body and can cause harmful effects virtually to every aspects of a person’s life: i.e., relationships, family, job, school, physical and emotional health. People who use drugs and alcohol may lose their sense of responsibility, become restless, irritable, paranoid, depressed, inattentive, anxious or experience sexual indifference, loss of physical coordination and appetite, coma, convulsions or even death. Persons who use drugs and alcohol face not only health risks, but also their ability to function in their personal and professional lives can be impaired as well. Some examples of this is a “hangover” or feeling “burnt out”; being preoccupied with the plans of the next drink or “high” or slowed reflexes that can be especially dangerous while driving. Alcohol related driving deaths are the top killer of 15 to 24 year olds. There are danger signals that could indicate when someone is in trouble with drugs or alcohol:
– Abrupt changes in mood or attitude;
– Continuing to slump at work or school;
– Continuing resistance at home or school;
– Cannot get along with friends or family;
– Unusual temper flare-ups;
– Increased borrowing of money;
– Heightened secrecy; and
– A complete new set of friends.
The school maintains a drug and alcohol education information and a list of counseling and support services, which can be obtained from the future professional Services Coordinator. Issues discussed with the contact person will be kept confidential.
2023 Annual Security Report Notification
Schools must publish and disseminate and annual security report by October 1st of each year. The annual security report includes the crime statistics reported to the U.S. Department of Education and related Institutional policies or procedures for victims or witnesses to report Clery Act crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. The report also includes current policies regarding emergency response and evaluation procedures. the schools programs to prevent dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and the school procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. The school will provide a paper copy of the annual security report upon request.