Tag: cosmetology school

difference between cosmetology school and barber college

What is the Difference Between Barbering vs Cosmetology ?

22 Jun 17
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Here at Graham’s Barber College, not a week passes that a potential student does not call and ask the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question:

What is the difference in cosmetology and barbering?

There many answers to this question, and too many to expound on in one article, but here is one difference: The way barbers train and learn to cut and style hair is the opposite from how cosmetologists learn.

To put it simply, cosmetologists remove weight, barbers keep it and position it in certain areas.

This program we teach here at Graham’s Barber College allows cosmetologists and barbers to use what they know and are comfortable with, and fuse it with some “out of the box” thinking on how to approach the head.

For barbers, it is becoming as masterful with their shears as they are with their clippers – to utilize the shears in different ways of cutting, using the bone structure and approaching the ” top of the head’ with as much care and time as they do their fades, tapers, and outlines.

For cosmetologists, it is different: learning to leave some bulk in the hair – on the head, and in the right place, and to create the right silhouette form for each individual.

A barber learns that not everything is round – but learns to make a square or angle (or other) form that will work for your client and the shape of their head, and the drama of the cut.  We teach to not just to know the apex, occipital bone, and nape – but to know the “zones,” and how to approach it with as much detail as they do their styling and finishing techniques.

This is just ONE of many differences in cosmetology and barbering.

We would love to have you as a student, so you can become as skilled as possible in your career! Come visit. Free orientation is help every day, by appointment.

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Grahams Barber College