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06 Sep 16
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THE SUPER ACHIEVERS – as a barber, as a stylist, in life…

What is a SUPER ACHIEVER? It is simply one who consistently performs at a high level of effectiveness. There are three traits that are shared by SUPER ACHIEVERS:

1. Almost without exception, they are individuals with an extraordinary amount of physical energy.
When applied to the hair industry, these traits start by implementing in school. Getting proper rest, exercise and diet are keys to building physical energy.

2. The competitive strive continually to outperform the competition. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best and out performing your fellow classmates. This trend will probably follow you into your professional career, opening doors others can only imagine walking through.

3. They’re hard-nosed, but not hard-hearted. They criticize without crushing, and never lose sight of the fact that it is teamwork that propels an organization to success, not the random clash of individual egos.
Avoid splitting HAIRS, be a leader, lead by example. Demand the people around you live up to the standards, ethics and professionalism of your chosen profession. A good motto: I WILL NOT ASK YOU TO DO ANTHING I WILL NOT DO. Leave the ego on the door mat as you walk into the learning institution, and if you must, pick it up on the way out.

Developing these three traits will make you a better hair professional and will help you achieve your dreams.

Grahams Barber College

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